Welcome to
IREC Toronto!
We are a gospel community that brings shalom to every area of life.
Services On-Demand
Access the services on-demand any time during the week, including on Sundays, on our YouTube Channel.
Associate Pastor Vacancy
We are currently looking to call an Associate Pastor for our English Ministry. To review the posting, please follow this link.
Dear friend,
Thanks for taking the time to visit our website! We’re glad you’re here and hope to see you virtually or in-person at one of our worship services.
We are a congregation of Christians desiring to create a hospitable place of belonging for every type of person. Whatever your faiths, political leanings, socio-economic backgrounds, profession, ethnicity, culture, marital status, or music taste, we want our church to be a home where you can process and grow in your thoughts about God and the role he has for you in his world, and where you can be in life together with other people.
As you explore our website, please also don’t hesitate to approach us personally with your questions. Give us a call or send us an email, attend one of our services, events, or simply introduce yourself to us in the hallway. Our desire is to serve you.
Thanks again for your visit and may God bless you abundantly.
In Christ,
Pastor Agus
Get Wisdom (Proverbs 4:7)

Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church
3065 Ridgeway Dr #55, Mississauga, ON L5L 5M6, Canada